We arrived in Houston and were picked up by our moms, Papa B, Amy and Latte, Cocoa and Pocket, then we drove to Austin and had dinner at my parents' house. 
I was really excited because I found out we were leaving the next day (Thursday) in the evening, and not in the morning to San Francisco like I had originally thought - so I went to Target and did some other small errands before our flight left.
San Francisco was absolutely beautiful, with perfect weather. We actually stayed in Walnut Creek, which is outside of SF, and the wedding we went to was in Moraga, where Chris went to undergrad, at the church on his campus. It was a very quick weekend, but it was a blast! Jen and Jason, Chris's 2 best friends from undergrad, who have been dating for 9 years (yes - since freshman year of college) got married and Chris was a groomsmen. It was small, but fun! 

Back to Austin on Thursday and were there until the following Wednesday, where we, once again drove to Houston to catch our flight. In Austin, we ran some errands and took care of some things, and because of our short time, my mom organized a BBQ so that everyone (friends, family, etc) could come and hang out. We did this all the time when we came home for our visits - this ain't my first rodeo! (Luckily our next visit is longer than 2 weeks!) In any case, a lot of my San Antonio family came and friends came from Houston and SA (and Belton - Bundy) and that was really fun. 
We checked out a new club on 5th called The Madison which was awesome. (Any place that plays all 3 of Lady Gaga's hits is fine by me!)
Anyway, back in the land of 2 beaches (that's what Bahrain means actually) and looks like Dubai is in the works! Obvs, we can't stay away for long.